Karrie Irish - 18 Years of Marketing and Management Experience


Karrie Irish of Pinellas County, Florida, began her career in 1998 as a sales representative for an orthopedic surgery practice. There, her duties included not only establishing connections with current and prospective patients, but also keeping physicians aware of the latest research and technology. She soon advanced to a position with a diagnostic imaging business, where Karrie Irish expanded her experience to include training new hires and designing marketing materials, while also becoming a top producer in her territory with an annual gross revenue of $1.5 million.

Moving to an orthopedic instrumentation producer allowed Ms. Irish to begin supplementing her marketing skills with management experience. She consistently produced revenue well beyond her target goals, as high as 107 percent over quota in one year, while also taking responsibility for ordering and distributing equipment and training physicians in its use.

In 2007 she joined her current employers at Key Health, the US’s top lien solutions company, where she rose to the office of vice president of national field sales. Since then, Karrie Irish has routinely managed an annual budget of $23 million across twelve states, generating revenue with an average profit margin of ten percent each year.